It is estimated that Americans spend over $56 billion a year on losing weight. Because of the rampant occurrence of obesity among Americans, people are finding every way and using their every means to lose weight. Sometimes, Americans resort to using incorrect means of losing weight causing hazards to their health.
One of the popular weight loss centers in America is the Dotties weight loss center.
All about Dotti
Dotties weight loss center was established in September 1998 by a woman named Dottie.
Dottie wrote a book about herself, narrating her experiences with losing weight. With over 100 lbs overweight, Dottie narrated of how she felt like a couch potato, eating and sleeping the days away.
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In November 1997, Dottie weighed 243 lbs.
Motivate, motivate, motivate
According to Dotti, the purpose of her book, Dottie's Weight Loss Zone, was to provide encouragement and motivation to overweight women.
One the things she mentioned in the book is the importance of encouragement. Praising someone even for losing just one pound can make all the difference for him or her. She also includes a simple weight loss program that starts with making a lifestyle change.
According to her adage
Dotties' adage is "one day at a time, no guilt and move on." Her website contains testimonials from people who have followed her regime. She is selling cookbooks and even hypnosis CDs to help you lose weight.
Is it to be trusted?
Despite of claims by people in her website, proper care should still be taken when trusting Dotties weight loss center. Dotties weight loss center is just one of the weight loss centers available today offering quick and easy ways to lose weight. But remember, there are no shortcuts to losing weight.
The best way to start your diet, before trusting Dotties weight loss center, is to consult a medical professional. Once you have fully understood your body weight and your options, it is then time to take the next step.
Consulting with a doctor or even nutritionist will help guide you to the ideal path of losing weight - healthy, that is.
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