Is losing weight becoming hard for you? Then a weight loss motivation story may inspire you and push you to achieve your weight loss goal. A weight loss motivation story tells the inspiring journey of a person from being obese to being healthy. The objective of a weight loss motivation story is to inspire others to lose weight. But wait, there is a catch.
What's the catch?
Just about anyone can post a weight loss motivation story in a blog or personal website. But you might be surprised. Majority of the weight loss stories found online are either selling a diet product or a program.
weight loss diet program, weight control, diet plans,
Many companies and weight loss centers are using a weight loss motivation story to help advertise their product for their own benefits. It is rare to find a weight loss story that does not sell an item or a program.
Here's an example:
"I had been overweight for about four years until a light bulb went on in my head and I realized I wasn't the fit and fun person I used to be. Ten months ago, I joined Weight Watchers (WW) weighing in at an unhealthy and fat 189 pounds.
In May 2002 I joined a gym and found that just exercising and maintaining my unhealthy eating habits were not moving the weight so I joined WW and in the first week I had lost over one pound. This was a huge confidence booster and I was convinced I could lose this weight and be the fit and fun person I was four years ago. WW is not one of those fad diets - it really teaches you to change your eating pattern."
Don't believe everything you read
Millions of stories like this are posted everywhere over the internet. As to whether the person is real or not will remain in question, because there is always that question whether the person is telling the truth or simply promoting a product. Hence, it is always important to use your logic and rationale when reading these success stories. Do not be fooled by simple advertising strategies.
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